How to install Google Analytics 4 with GTM? – Google Analytics 4 Tutorial


How to install Google Analytics with the help of Google Tag Manager? - Google Analytics 4 Tutorial

Following are the steps to install Google Analytics 4 with the help of Google Tag Manager:

1. First, you need to create Google Analytics 4 properties

2. Then, the data stream needs to be created (here, I will show how to set up the web stream)

3. Copy the measurement ID you get after creating the property

4. Create the GA-4 configuration tag

5. Paste the measurement ID you copied in the Tag

6. Check for issues with the new Tag

7. Now publish the changes to Google Tag Manager

If you are still using Universal Analytics, you should convert to Google Analytics 4 very soon. Unfortunately, Google will soon cancel Universal Analytics.

Install Google Analytics 4 with Google Tag Manager

Now let’s take a detailed look at the methods of installing Google Analytics 4 with the help of Google Tag Manager:

The first two steps were, Create Google Analytics 4 Properties and Create Data Streams.

If you are still using the previous version of Google Analytics, first go to the admin section at the bottom left corner. Then, click on Create Property button from Admin.

ga4 create property option

Then give your property a name. The name can be your website name, company, brand, or any other name. Make sure you select the country, reporting time zone, and main currency of where your business is operating.

ga4 property

Then click on the Next button. After answering some questions, your property will be created.

Creating Data Stream:

The next step was to create a data stream. A data stream is the data source from which the data will be sent to the Analytics 4 properties. A property can have several data sources, for example, three for websites, one for Android, and one for iOS Apps.


In this tutorial, we assume you will create a data stream for a website. For that, you need to click on the web.

Then enter your website URL. When you create a web data stream for Google Analytics 4, you will see Enable and Disable options for Enhanced Measurement. If enabled, you can track many website events without the help of a web developer.


By default, this feature is enabled and can track the following events.


  1. Page view
  2. Scroll
  3. Outbound link clicks
  4. Site source
  5. Video Engagement
  6. File download etc


You can turn off some of these events if needed. For that, click on the gear icon and enable or disable events by clicking on the toggle button.


Once done, click on Create Stream button.

Now let's see how to install Google Analytics with the help of Google Tag Manager:

You will get a measurement ID when creating data streams. Copy the id.


Now go to the Google Tag manager container. From there, select Tag and then New Tag and configure GA-4.

Paste the copied ID into the Measurement ID field.


Below you will see an option called “send page view event when this configuration loads.” You can keep the option enabled.


This way, when your tag fires, you’ll see a PageView event in Google Analytics as a confirmation.

It is better to disable it in some cases, such as single-phase applications.

Now in the triggering section, select “All Pages” and name the Tag. For example, you can call it “ga4 pageview.”

Congratulations, you have successfully installed GA4. Many of your favorite items are listed on the shop page of this website. Purchase the desired item from there. Subscribe to read my blog regularly. If you want to hire me, you can visit my Fiverr account. There is a link to my Fiverr profile on the right side of this blog. Thanks for reading the blog.

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