What are the components of Google Tag Manager?


Tag: A tag is a code that sends data to a system, such as Google Analytics.

A trigger hears certain events such as clicks, form submissions, or page loads. When an event matches the trigger’s definition, the tag associated with that trigger is activated.

A variable is a named placeholder for a variable value, such as product name, price value, date, etc.

The tag manager uses the data layer on the client-side to hold the value for a while so that tags, triggers, and variables can use that data.

In this article, we will try to understand these issues better.

A tag is a snippet of code that is executed on your web page or mobile app. It can have many uses, but in most cases, tag measurement is used to send information from a site to a third party. For example, Google Analytics and Google Ad Conversion tags.

Tag is executed when an event occurs. Events can be page load, button click, page scroll, etc. In Tag Manager, you define which event and when the tag will be executed.

There are many built-in variables for Tag Manager for your convenience. However, you can create custom variables yourself if you want. For example, you can tell if a URL contains a word or phrase for which a tag will be triggered.

The data layer is used to hold data for a temporary period. Tag Manager sends that data from your webpage or mobile app for tags, triggers, and other variables. You do not have to set up the data layer.

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